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Table of Contents
Online journal club
ISCB and SMBE are collaborating to organize an online journal club (as part of the ISCBacademy series of webinars) on Evolution and Comparative Genomics.
The format of webinars is that abstract/papers are presented by their first author to promote presentations by young researchers, and questions and answers are exchanged throughout the presentation to value discussion and attendee input.
If you are interested in presenting, or you want to suggest an article of interest, please send an abstract to with “Abstract for Webinar” as the title of your message.
Participation is free for any member of ISCB or SMBE, but registration is required.
Next webinar
Speaker: Claudia Solis-Lemus
Title: Scalable Inference of Phylogentetic Networks
November 2, 2021 at 11:00AM EDT
Please register!
Phylogenetic network inference plays an important role in the reconstruction of the tree of life, given the widespread gene flow among different organisms. However, there are many challenges in the inference of reticulate evolution such as network reconstruction and interpretation, and difficulties to summarize network uncertainty. In this talk, I will explain the current difficulties in network statistical inference and present a new scalable method based on pseudolikelihood theory. I will also present extensions of standard trait evolution tools to networks, such as phylogenetic regression or ANOVA, ancestral trait reconstruction, and Pagel's lambda test of phylogenetic signal. All the new tools are implemented in the open-source Julia package PhyloNetworks.
Past webinars
Wednesday September 30, 2020 at 11:00AM EDT:
RAxML-NG: a fast, scalable and user-friendly tool for maximum likelihood phylogenetic inference
by Alexey Kozlov and Alexandros Stamatakis (Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies).
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Registration :
Monday August 24, 2020:
Unravelling the mystery of orphan genes to understand the origins of genetic novelty
presented by Nikos Vakirlis (Alexander Fleming Biomedical Sciences Research Center).
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Tuesday July 7, 2020:
Genetic Basis Of De Novo Appearance Of Carotenoid Ornamentation In Bare-Parts Of Canaries
presented by Malgorzata Gazda (Universidade do Porto).
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Friday June 12, 2020:
Fast Coalescent-Based Computation of Local Branch Support from Quartet Frequencies
presented by Erfan Sayyari (UCSD).
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